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Day against anti-Muslim racism (Germany)

Day Against Anti-Muslim Racism is an annual observance dedicated to raising awareness and combatting discrimination and prejudice against individuals of Muslim faith.

Independence Day (USA)

Independence Day, commonly known as the Fourth of July, celebrates the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States as an independent nation.

Al-Hijra begins (Muslim)

Al-Hijra marks the Islamic New Year, commemorating the migration (Hijra) of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina in 622 CE, considered the beginning of the Islamic calendar.

Martyrdom of the Bab (Baha’i)

The Martyrdom of the Bab commemorates the execution of the Bab, the herald of the Baha'i Faith, on July 9, 1850, and reflects on his teachings of unity and sacrifice.

World Populace Day

World Population Day raises awareness about global population issues and advocates for reproductive health and rights, gender equality, and sustainable development.

Bastille Day

Bastille Day celebrates the French National Day, commemorating the storming of the Bastille prison on July 14, 1789, a turning point in the French Revolution.

International Non-Binary People’s Day

International Non-Binary People's Day is an observance dedicated to celebrating and raising awareness about individuals who identify as non-binary, meaning their gender identity does not exclusively align with the binary categories of male or female. It aims to promote inclusivity and acceptance of non-binary individuals within society.

International Nelson Mandela Day

International Nelson Mandela Day honors the legacy of Nelson Mandela, promoting his values of reconciliation, equality, and social justice through acts of service and solidarity.

Pioneer Day (Mormon)

Pioneer Day commemorates the arrival of Mormon pioneers in the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847, celebrating their courage, perseverance, and contributions to the community.

International Self-Care Day

International Self-Care Day promotes self-care practices for physical, mental, and emotional well-being, encouraging individuals to prioritize their health and happiness.